Because it is relevant
"Because it is Relevant," delves into the interconnectedness of tools across various domains and their significance in software development. Using the "Magic Arm" from photography as an analogy, it underscores how abstract concepts and tools can seamlessly transfer between different domains.
Transitioning to Wireshark, the talk highlights its extensive applications. Based on actual problems, the speaker illustrates Wireshark's practical uses, demonstrating its effectiveness in debugging protocols, handling TLS encryption, extracting crucial data, and enhancing software performance.
In conclusion, the talk emphasizes Wireshark's capabilities in tandem with other network tools, encouraging audiences to venture beyond their immediate domain to explore diverse tools.
Rust vs C++
Having been a C++ developer for quite a while, I answerd the question of "Rust or C++" for myself a while ago. How I ended up learning and digging into Rust was quite random though, thefore this talk tries to be a teaser to incentivize people to look into the language.
- All red text (headings etc.) are links pointing to additional information.
- Desipite the click baity title, the talk focuses on rust features rather than "bashing C++"
- The presentation may need to be displyed with ~70% zoom in order to be displayed correctly
CLI - First (Why & How)
Starting with a brief recap on "why command line tools are great". The main Talk focuses on best practises when writing command line tools, presented with a great deal of memes and an occasional rant.
Something with CLI's
A workshop starter, with A quick look at some command line tool basics, examples, etc. and a spin towards rust command line tools at the end.
Command Line Tools 101
A meme heavy foundation talk for command line beginners. Covering some shell basic, CLI terminology and structure and best practices to focus on when implementing them.
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Something with GIT
A intermidate ~10 minute talk about cool git features you may not have known yet.
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UnitTesting using Gtest/Gmock
A Talk about Gtest & Gmock, their differences, their features and their usage.
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