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User Manual

Core Beliefs

  • By helping others to improve their skills and/or to learn something, everybody benefits

    (They, the company they are working for, the projects they are working on, their colleagues, the end users, their future employers/projects …)

  • Code Quality is key and should be enforced as automated as possible

  • Simple is better than complex
  • “Getting things done” is important but things are also “Done when they are done”.

What I value in others

  • Collaboration (beeing a team player)
  • Transparency (Direct and honest communication)

Preferred working style

  • I work best as part of a small, team 3-5 people


    I worked well in other sizes too (10, 20, 50), but personaly I think 3-5 people are the most effective.

  • I prefer my working place being remote by default, additionally having an office I can go to possible scenario


    If the office is not near by, multiday office visits with over night stays work well for me too.

  • I like to work on an powerful but lightweight notebook


    The operating system of my working device must be unix based (ideally Linux or MacOsx).

  • I like to use the following peripherals, which I also have available by myself

Conditions I like to work in

  • Working with remote aware people
  • Working with people which have a team- rather than a family- mindset
  • Working in a team where english is the default language for communication


    Because German is my first language, I realy enjoy communicating in english to improve and keep my english skills sharp.

What motivates me

  • When people I have been teaching/mentoring start teaching me stuff
  • When the company/team has a clear dedication towards Software Quality
  • A collective mission/goal to work towards

What demotivates me

  • Competition over Collaboration
  • Lack of shared goals and roadmap/milestones
  • Lack of ownership
  • Schedule chicken like "games"
  • Broken processes, structures
  • Broken hierarchies (e.g. overly complex or sudo flat)

My pet peeves

  • Having a hidden agenda
  • Taking credit for the work of others